Tuesday, August 19, 2014

2014-34 - Happiness is relative...

Two men were jailed in the same cell. They were in the same conditions, but one of them was unhappy, and the other one was happy.

"Why are you so sad?", the happy man asked the unhappy man.

"What should I be happy for? I am unlucky. Recently I was free and was at a resort, and as you know, that is more interesting than here." the unhappy man answered and asked the happy man, "And why are you so satisfied?"

"You see, recently I was in another prison, where the conditions were much worse, and this is just a resort here, compared to what it was. Many people want to get here, but I am the lucky one. So why don’t I have to be happy?" the happy man said.

Everything is relative and has to be learned in comparison. If you want to be happy, just compare your current position not with what is better, but with what would be worse.

~ Author Unknnown

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. 

~ Omar Khayyam

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