Tuesday, September 27, 2016

2016-39 - Offer encouragement...

You cannot force other people to do the right thing. What you can do, and what is extremely effective, is to encourage them.

A better choice is to expect the best, and to offer opportunities for those expectations to be met. Though it's true that people won't always live up to your positive expectations, it's also true that most people would prefer to do what's best for everyone concerned.

Just about everyone responds positively to positive, genuine encouragement. Let others know, clearly, precisely and in positive terms, what you expect, and let them know you have faith that they'll meet those expectations.

Instead of looking for ways to control, look for opportunities to support and encourage. Instead of conducting detached transactions, seek to build ongoing relationships.

Offer the encouragement to do what is right, what is good, what is valuable and positive. Expect the best, in a supportive way, and it is much more likely to happen.

~ Ralph Marston

Correction does much, but encouragement does more.

~ Johann von Goethe


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