Tuesday, August 30, 2016

2016-35 - What forgiveness will buy...

Think of the time and energy a little forgiveness could buy you. Being frustrated, annoyed or angry uses up your precious time, energy, thoughts and actions.

When someone does something to annoy you, consider how much of your valuable time you could save by forgiving that person, in your own mind, right then. When you forgive before you've even shown any anger, the matter will die and you can quickly move on.

Expect the best from those around you, and you'll very likely get it. Yet when someone falls short of your expectations, don't aggravate the problem by letting it sap your time and energy. Look for a way to quickly forgive and forget.

The more little things you can forgive, the more big things you can accomplish.

~ Ralph Marston

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is to forgive.

~ Maya Angelou

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