Tuesday, April 23, 2019

2019-17 - The Railway Story...

Several years ago on an extremely hot day, a crew was working on the railroad bed when a train came to a stop near them and a window in the last car was raised.

A friendly voice called out, "Dave, is that you?" Dave, the crew chief called back, "Sure is, Jim, and it's really good to see you." With that pleasant exchange, Dave was invited to join Jim, the president of the railroad, for an hour long pleasant visit and then they shook hands warmly as the train pulled out.

Dave's crew immediately surrounded him and a man expressed astonishment that he knew Jim as a personal friend. Dave then explained that 20 years earlier he and Jim had started to work for the railroad on the same day. One of the men, half-jokingly and half seriously asked Dave why he was still working out in the hot sun and Jim had gotten to be president. Rather wistfully Dave explained, "twenty-three years ago I went to work for $1.75 an hour, and Jim Murphy went to work for the railroad."

~ Author Unknown

It is not what, but who you work for, that makes the difference.

~ Author Unknown

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